
What is a full retention oil & water separator?

A full retention oil & water separator treats captured water on sites where oil (hydrocarbon) mixes with water, particularly during rainfall events or in water runoff. These sites often need to meet key environmental compliance criteria, council policy & government regulations – for example, service stations, airports, power stations and refuelling sites.

Oil and water mixtures that enter these devices separate over time, as the oil rises to the surface and clean water moves through the bottom of the separator unit. For example, in Spillceptors the time for water to move through the unit is approximately six minutes.

Retention and separation allow oil to be recaptured, and for clean water to leave through an outlet pipe and flow into drainage or subsequent stormwater systems. Any smaller oil particles that escape initial separation in these devices are caught by the coalescer.

Full retention oil & water separators protect local waterways and prevent oil from contaminating the local environment, which is an important goal for downstream water quality and pollution control.

At Atlan, our full retention oil & water separator is known as the Spillceptor and comes in a range of models and sizes for the provision of different sized high-risk sites – and guarantees hydrocarbon spill capture in all flow and spill conditions.

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